Coffeyville Regional Medical Center plans to Summer Sessions of Safesitter, babysitting course

Coffeyville Regional Medical Center is offering Safesitter classes throughout the summer on Saturdays. The Summer sessions will be held, May 26th, June 9th, July 21st and August 18th. The first session will be held on Saturday, May 26th, 2018 from 9:30am until 4:30pm, located in the 2nd Floor Administration Boardroom at CRMC.  If you are interested in the May session, please register by Wednesday, May 23rd and pay at time of registration. Please bring a sack lunch as the class will go into the lunch hour. The cost of the program is $35, and registration is required.  Limited space available, if you would like to get your child registered please call 620-252-2201 or email Ashley Tatman at  If you cannot make the May session but would like to attend the June session please register by Wednesday, June 6th and for the July session please register by Wednesday, July 18thand for the August session, please register by Wednesday, August 15th.

The Safe Sitter program is a medically accurate instructional program which includes basic information on babysitting, first aid instruction, behavior management, and child development facts for children ages infant to school age.  The class is intended for both boys and girls 11 to 13 years old who are interested in babysitting.  The curriculum is extremely active and hands-on and features babysitting scenarios as a way for the participants to learn how to react to problems they may encounter while sitting with a child.

A large segment of the program concentrates on Infant and Child CPR and Choking Rescue.  Round table discussions are held to cover four aspects of babysitting:  Nap/Night time; Eating; Activities and Toileting. They receive information on child development and age appropriate activities.

Another large component of the program is centered on safety for the sitter.  Sitters are trained to check all references before accepting a job to protect them from going to a strange home.  They are taught to ask the important information they need when babysitting at someone else’s home in case of the need to contact either EMS, an available adult to help, or how to contact the parents if needed. They learn safety and security precautions, such as what to do if a stranger comes to the door and when and how to call for help.

The goal of Safe Sitter is to prepare young adolescents for the responsibilities of nurturing and protecting children, and to reduce the number of accidental and preventable deaths among children being cared for by babysitters.

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