Women & Wellness

A Simple Approach to Better Health for You and Your Family

Offering support, education and care navigation to help women achieve and maintain optimal health.

Coffeyville Regional Medical Center’s Women & Wellness (W&W) program is an innovative way to keep women engaged and active in maintaining their own health and improving the health of their families. The mission of W&W is to empower women by providing them with access to:

  • Care Navigation
  • Education
  • Support

Women manage multiple roles – parent, spouse, caregiver, and employee – they are stretched too thin. The W&W program will assist members with the personal resources they need – to make decisions and begin their journey to optimal health and wellness. Dealing with a health decision is tough enough – navigating through our healthcare.

CRMC will be the first hospital in the region to offer such a premier, one-on-one, personal and comprehensive program – One that reaches out to all women in our service area.


  • Membership Package: Members will receive a new member packet that will include:
    • Membership Card and Program Brochure
    • Invitation to a New Member Orientation
    • Women’s Health Information/Record Book

  • FREE consultation with our Women’s Health Care Navigator: Our Women’s Health Care Navigator can provide health information, referrals to CRMC services and physicians, campus orientation and more. Our navigator will assist women in making health appointments and navigate those needing follow-up care.
  • Health Screenings and Assessments: CRMC will provide a resource book of available women’s services, education programs, health risk assessments and support groups.
  • Health Services Referrals: The Women’s Health Care Navigator will also provide referrals to support groups, community resources and educational programs.
  • New Member Lunch/Tour: New members are invited to a lunch and facility tour. These lunch/tours will be held on a quarterly basis and will serve as an orientation into the W&W program.Reduced Fees: W&W Members will receive reduced fees for educational classes, programs and events that have fees.
  • W&W Health Source Web Site: www.crimcinc.org/Women-Wellness.  This site provides easy access to member benefits, timely articles and alerts on health education programs and screenings.

  •  W&W Quarterly Update in Health Partners Magazine: Read articles in CRMC’s Health Partners quarterly magazine that focus on health education, fitness, or nutrition information just for women.
  • W&W information and events are shared on CRMC’s Facebook page.
  • W&W Monthly E-Blast: Members receive a monthly email update on upcoming events, programs, the latest health news.

Your Care Navigators: Advocates and Guides

Making decisions about your healthcare can be challenging, but navigating the health system shouldn’t be. We’re here to help. Through Women & Wellness, you have access to Care Navigation Services that can:

  • Assist members in establishing a primary care provider, obtain referrals to specialists and services.
  • Assist you in scheduling appointments and routine health screenings.
  • Keep you informed about services at CRMC and in the community.
  • Provide support during stressful times

How do I join?

If you would like to join our Women and Wellness Program, please fill out the application below and we will send you a new member packet and your membership card in the mail. This may take up to 7-10 days to receive the packet.

Please write of out your birth date, Example: January 1, 1955
Example: John Smith, 05-08-1955, Husband -- Avery Smith, 10-29-1984, Daughter etc.
Example: History of Cancer, Maternal Grandmother - Bladder Cancer, Paternal Grandfather - Skin Cancer, Father had high blood pressure and Cholesterol etc.