Coffeyville Regional Medical Center (CRMC) Foundation is accepting applications for the Best Family Scholarship until March 15, 2022. The intent of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students that have been accepted into a degreed medical field program such as paramedic, lab, radiologic technologist, or nursing.
The Best Family Scholarship was created by the children of Jerry and Norma Best in memory of their father and to honor their mother. Over the last several years, the family has worked together at a variety of fundraisers to enhance their scholarship fund and in 2020 the family was able to endow their scholarship fund so that the Best Family Scholarship will continue for years to come. This scholarship has been awarded since 2015 and twelve recipients have been assisted, many over multiple years to complete their educational goals.
The Foundation Scholarship Application can be attained on the CRMC website at or by contacting Lisa Kuehn at 620.252.1674 or
Applicants are asked to submit a 500-word reflective essay on why they chose to pursue a career in healthcare. They must also submit school transcripts that reflect past grades and have letters of recommendation sent on their behalf. The Best Scholarship Committee is comprised of healthcare professionals from Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. They may award multiple winners. Applicants who have been awarded previously are encouraged to apply each year they are enrolled and will be considered for awards over multiple years.