The mission of the CRMC Foundation is to support Coffeyville Regional Medical Center as it provides the highest quality healthcare to patients and families. One way the Foundation supports CRMC is by assisting students who are interested in pursuing or advancing their education in a healthcare field. Applications are currently being accepting for the Best Family Medical Scholarship and the Han Family Endowment for Healthcare Education.
The Best Family Medical Scholarship was established by the children of Jerry and Norma Best, Catherine Smith, Dee Winters, Teresa Barker, and Angie Bidleman. The scholarship is given in memory of their father Jerry and in honor their mother Norma. Recipients of this scholarship are in a medical field of study and are attending school in the four-state area of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
The Han Family Endowment for Healthcare Education was established by Dr. Yong Han, Dr. Y. Yun Han, and Sam Han in honor of their parents Dr. and Mrs. Chan Han. In addition to a scholarship opportunity for continuing education for CRMC employees, the Han Family supports a scholarship to a local student who is pursuing an education in healthcare.
Students who are interested in applying for a scholarship through the CRMC Foundation may download an application on the hospital’s website or contact Cari Redden, Director of the Foundation, or 620-252-1674. Completed applications must be received by the Foundation by July 26th.